Well, it's officially here, 20,009. Yes, you're reading it correctly, 20,009. At least that's what the woman newscaster on the radio announced from Time's Square tonight . She announced to the world that we are ushering in 20-10 as 20,009 exits through the back door. Really? Hmmm, I'm beginning to wonder if these types of misspeaks are becoming more acceptable and that perhaps proper english, utilizing spell check, and punctuation are indicators of old age and if so, then that is me.
I've been told by my husband that I should try not to draw attention to myself when making comments on blogs, on-line newspaper stories, and Facebook by simply not using the above indicators. Suggested techniques would be randomly caPitalizIng letters, uzing incorect spelingz, and throwing in the occasional abbreviations for frequently used phrases. Yeah, right, LOL! So, I will make my one and only New Year's Resolution for the new year 20,009 right here and now. I resolve to embrace my oldness through the rogue and rather old-fashioned use of correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Although, I reserve the right to occasionally utilize acronyms when I'm busy ROFL. Happy New Year!
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
My Kind of Teacher
At the website, "The Friendly Atheist", I found a great example of a great teacher, even if he is an athiest...did he mention he's friendly? Hemant Mehta is also a math teacher and this is what he found on one of the tests he was grading this week. The ol' Elephant Excuse. Pretty clever.
So, how does an educator of our youth respond to such a a feeble attempt at avoiding the question? Well, "If you're going to throw a Hail Mary Pachyderm on your final exam, you damn well best get your artwork correct." My admiration for this type of teacher is exponential!
So, how does an educator of our youth respond to such a a feeble attempt at avoiding the question? Well, "If you're going to throw a Hail Mary Pachyderm on your final exam, you damn well best get your artwork correct." My admiration for this type of teacher is exponential!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
It's Official
Without a doubt, my life has turned a corner. On this day, my oldest child got his driver's license, discussed dating, and turned 16 years old all on the same day. It was only after this had all taken place that I think that the message got through my thick skull. My biological purpose is almost complete and it's in this realization that I've come to understand that my life to a certain degree has become that of a spectator. I am now completely secondary to what is happening around me. It is no longer 'I got my driver's license', 'I got married', or 'I gave birth to a child'. It is now, 'My son got his driver's license', 'My son is in high school', or 'My son has a crush'.
So, I guess as I enter this new stage in my life I will have two choices. Either I can do it gracefully or I can do it kicking and screaming. I've never really been very graceful...
So, I guess as I enter this new stage in my life I will have two choices. Either I can do it gracefully or I can do it kicking and screaming. I've never really been very graceful...
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Bad Timing

Here's the run-down:
10 Things Obama Might Learn from Tiger
1. The Quick Recovery
2. The Cold Ferocity
3. How to Step On Their Necks
4. The Trouble With Compromise
5. The Value of a Few 'Majors'
6. Controlling the Message and Spending
7. The Swing Change
8. Clothes the Deal
9. You've Got to Deliver
10. The Danger of Looking Ridiculous
10 Things Tiger Might Learn from Obama
1. Lighten Up
2. The Art of Grace
3. Crush Your Foes, Not Your Fans
4. Save Some for the Losers
5. Dial It Back a Little
6. Less Robot, More Warmth
7. At Least Look Like You're Having Fun
8. Sharing a Personal Moment
9. A Trio of Essential Moves for Tiger (Dance move references)
10. Keep Your Day Job
The way I see it, I think both of these men have issues with the very things the magazine thinks of as their strengths. If you'd like an example just see #10 on Tigers. I think in light of recent events you understand how this is not as true as we'd like to think. Also, #7 on Obama's list is kind of funny when you think about how much fun Tiger was actually having. All in all these two are both suffering in the opinion polls. My advice? They need to both take a look at a different role-model. The one I'd recommend is John Daly. Now, that guy is real.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Buckle Up Buttercup!
I constantly see people driving around with dogs loose on their lap or in their car. I am assuming that they love their pets dearly, so dearly in fact, that they'd risk the animal's life and possibly the life of others in order to enjoy their pet, even while driving. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but there are laws requiring adults to secure not only their children, but themselves as well. Why would this not apply to people's pets? Thirty years ago an elderly neighbor was driving down the road when his little dog got down on the floor and got entwined in his feet. This caused him to slam his foot into the gas peddle and, then in turn, slam into our mailbox. Living in a rural part of town, we had cemented our mailbox deep into the ground so as a result, he really messed up his car. Now, if we or someone else had been walking alongside the road or checking our mail, it would have been a little bit more involved than replacing a mailbox and making a claim on his car insurance. People, it is not cute, it's not even a good idea...secure you're pet. So, even if your dog's name is not Buttercup...buckle up!
Friday, 27 November 2009
Do They Really Need One?
The first cell phones were not necessarily a convenience. They were not readily available to the public let alone children. Times have changed though. Super computers no longer need an entire room to function and cell phones no longer require you to use both hands to dial. Times they are a changing and fast! So, by the mere essence of this post, I am dating myself when I say that I do not understand why teens view cell phones as a right.
A friend of mine has a son who does not have a job, potential prospects for a job, nor any immediate plans to get one but he does have a cell phone. In fact, he has a very nice cell phone. So nice that in a room full of adults it was the fanciest one there. When asked how much his service costs per month, he very matter of fact stated that it was around $76! Okay, lets get this straight, for 12 months this comes to $912. Let's then consider that for a standard 2-year contract this will amount to $1824!! This is more than what my car is worth. Yet, for this teen it is not a luxury but a necessity and somehow he convinced his mother of this? I do admit that there are fewer and fewer payphones around but guess what? For every 10 people you ask, 8 of them are sure to have a cell phone!

Saturday, 21 November 2009
The Collective Moan

I will deny a similar reaction on my part until the day I die. I was simply an observer at that point and took notice. There is something sorta creepy about the whole thing. Yes, Jacob is gorgeous and is an example of perfection in the male species but when you have a son that is the same age of that character... yeah, gross.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
I Have To Ask...Yes Ma'am
At the library where I work, I am available at the information desk for most of my shift. Inevitably, people come up asking to use our computer lab. Great, no problem, certainly, BUT I have to ask if you are over 18 years of age. This is simple for the most part and very logical because our internet is not filtered and minors need the permission of their parents before going any further.
As a side note, we do not allow people to look at pornography or anything along those lines since it is a public place, and yes, I have had to ask a gentleman to leave for that reason. When he was asked to leave because of the content he was looking at (pornography involving young girls) he acted like he couldn't understand what the problem was. Did I mention that he is/was a substitute teacher at the local high school? Did I also mention that his privacy is protected by law? I believe it is protected under the 4th Amendment which covers the privacy of personal property and your use of the library is an extension of that.
Now, getting back to the point I was originally going to make. For people under the age of 18, they must have a parent signature before gaining access to our unfiltered internet. So, anytime their age is questionable, we have to ask for ID showing that they are over 18 yrs old.
Well, it is not normally an issue for me to ask people this question but I knew as soon as he spoke that he would be over 18 although he did not look over 18 and the reason for this was the language he used. He was one of those young men who are overly polite with the "Yes, ma'am" this and "Yes, ma'am" that...yep, military kid. The reason I am so uncomfortable with this particular scenario is that I have to ask this person, who has pledged to defend his country and her people, even to the death, if they are old enough to use an unfiltered internet. Do you see the 'wrongness' in this?
Perhaps I am overly sensitive to it right now because my oldest is about to turn 16 years old and I can not imagine putting him in a position where he would be expected to defend life and liberty. The world and its' wars are such a sad thing. When I think of George Bernard Shaw's famous quote, "Youth is wasted on the young." I have to disagree and think what a terrible thing it is that the youth of our young is wasted on the wars of their seniors.
I will also mention that I fully support our troops and pray for their safety but I have to agree with Ernest Hemingway when he said, "They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason."
As a side note, we do not allow people to look at pornography or anything along those lines since it is a public place, and yes, I have had to ask a gentleman to leave for that reason. When he was asked to leave because of the content he was looking at (pornography involving young girls) he acted like he couldn't understand what the problem was. Did I mention that he is/was a substitute teacher at the local high school? Did I also mention that his privacy is protected by law? I believe it is protected under the 4th Amendment which covers the privacy of personal property and your use of the library is an extension of that.
Now, getting back to the point I was originally going to make. For people under the age of 18, they must have a parent signature before gaining access to our unfiltered internet. So, anytime their age is questionable, we have to ask for ID showing that they are over 18 yrs old.

Perhaps I am overly sensitive to it right now because my oldest is about to turn 16 years old and I can not imagine putting him in a position where he would be expected to defend life and liberty. The world and its' wars are such a sad thing. When I think of George Bernard Shaw's famous quote, "Youth is wasted on the young." I have to disagree and think what a terrible thing it is that the youth of our young is wasted on the wars of their seniors.
I will also mention that I fully support our troops and pray for their safety but I have to agree with Ernest Hemingway when he said, "They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason."
Friday, 30 October 2009
Break Free!
Okay people, the weekend is almost here and it is my sincerest hope that you have a good book by your bed and a fun song on your ipod, stereo, or radio thingy. Then, I want you to remember that no matter how old and sold out to the man you get, don't ever forget to break loose and have some fun once in awhile. To prove my point, just watch the lady who decides not to participate. It's your choice; joy and happiness or boredom and annoyance.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
How Do You Spell Dumb Ass?

Today in the news there have been stories everywhere about parents actually hosting "pox parties" for the swine flu. Now, if you're not familiar with what pox parties are, they're actually an interesting bit of history.
Of course, experts are discouraging parents from participating in such "foolishness". I must concur, you really don't need to organize a party to accomplish infection. Just go to your local Safeway, don't wipe down the cart, and encourage your children to lick their hands. Very simple really.

My recommendation during this time of madness is to curl up with a good book or two. Here are some that won't really help take your mind off this "pandemic" but they are interesting nonetheless.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Going Tribal
This morning we took a "field trip" to go see a matinee of Where the Wild Things Are. We all enjoyed it and towards the end as I was double pumping my fists because I had made it through without shedding any tears, they slammed me with a one-two punch. Ouch! But so touching...mom's are a sucker for this kind of thing. So, as I thought about how I would share this movie I thought it would be fun to play word association (I do take the liberty of using two words occasionally). Here we go!
Intro = Little Turd!
Max = Adorable
Behavior = Therapy
Cracks = Double Recracker
Chicken = Prothsesis
Bob = Terry
Billy Goat = Hilarious/Gay?
Location = Gorgeous
Carol = What?
Music = Fun
So there you have it. I hope it stirs your interest and you consider checking it out. I will mention that the movie moves along smoothly on a superficial level but also supports a 'heavier' underlying storyline that the parents will pick up on. There are definitely intense scenes of potential peril for our little actor, a dog, and the monsters but I will assume that they had green screens and stunt men. I just had to take lots of deep breaths with wide eyes and enjoyed the movie on both levels.
Intro = Little Turd!
Max = Adorable
Behavior = Therapy
Cracks = Double Recracker
Chicken = Prothsesis
Bob = Terry
Billy Goat = Hilarious/Gay?
Location = Gorgeous
Carol = What?
Music = Fun
So there you have it. I hope it stirs your interest and you consider checking it out. I will mention that the movie moves along smoothly on a superficial level but also supports a 'heavier' underlying storyline that the parents will pick up on. There are definitely intense scenes of potential peril for our little actor, a dog, and the monsters but I will assume that they had green screens and stunt men. I just had to take lots of deep breaths with wide eyes and enjoyed the movie on both levels.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Stupid Human Trick
It's not really a trick they perform but there are some that claim Americans are getting dumber by the minute and when I drive, I would have to agree. There is one thing that drives me nuts and that is when loving pet owners drive and operate a car with an animal, usually a small dog, on their lap. More specifically, right in their crotch. Come on! There are laws that require adults to not only buckle up but to secure stray children as well. Why would this not apply to animals?
I think if dogs were the ones driving the car they'd secure us. Sometimes animals are smarter and more compassionate than humans. If you don't agree then check out this video and pictures below.
I think if dogs were the ones driving the car they'd secure us. Sometimes animals are smarter and more compassionate than humans. If you don't agree then check out this video and pictures below.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Prophetic Cartoon
Imagine Americans signing away their freedoms...not us, we're too smart for that. Or are we?
Only One Way to Say It!
If I had been there, I would have stood up and cheered for this real American too. Someone who still believes in his or her God given rights to not only stand up and be heard but to stand up for what's right. There are more of us out there than some might think. Basically, there is only one way to say it, this guy kicks ASS!
Tommy Thompson Trail Burns
On the way to work yesterday I saw a huge plume of smoke out past Bayview. Sadly, come to find out it was the Tommy Thompson trestle where my family and I enjoyed a beautiful summer walk/ride this past summer. Hopefully the damage is not too extensive and it can be repaired sooner than later. God only knows how it was started.
Below is a picture from better days...
Below is a picture from better days...
Monday, 24 August 2009
Anacortes Afternoon
Our family recently checked out the Tommy Thompson Trail in Anacortes and had a great time. Beautiful weather and a nice trail made for a lovely afternoon. Despite Steve injuring a toe prior to going, we made the approximately 6 mile trek by both walking and longboarding. It was a lot of fun!
tommy thompson trail
Skagit County Fair 2009
The boys and I went to the fair this year with their Grandpa Don. Hubby had to work so we made a go of it. The fair sucked. I apologize for the graphic descriptor but it is an accurate one, especially when you compare it to our experiences at the Lynden Fair (awesome!). Despite the sucking of this fair, we still had a good time. We got to see a band called Fortune 500, had a good elephant ear, and of course, Elvis!
corn dog,
elephant ear,
fortune 500,
skagit county fair
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Monday, 3 August 2009
Never Say Never
Okay, I've done the unthinkable, I've joined Facebook. It's not as bad as I imagined though. So, in the end I have to totally stick by everything I've ever said about Facebook. Although, I will continue to abide by a few simple rules that allow me to sleep at night.
1. I will facebook my husband, grudgingly...are you kidding me? He's sitting right here!
2. I will not facebook my kids.
3. I will not facebook my kids' friends.
It's kind of fun to tease my boys and threaten them by speaking in third person that I'm going to update my status with random stupid crap. That makes me think of my blog...hmmm? Anyway, this whole Facebook thing is an interesting creature. Here's a fun little story from awhile ago that you may not have heard about on the evening news: I especially enjoyed the comments.
1. I will facebook my husband, grudgingly...are you kidding me? He's sitting right here!
2. I will not facebook my kids.
3. I will not facebook my kids' friends.
It's kind of fun to tease my boys and threaten them by speaking in third person that I'm going to update my status with random stupid crap. That makes me think of my blog...hmmm? Anyway, this whole Facebook thing is an interesting creature. Here's a fun little story from awhile ago that you may not have heard about on the evening news: I especially enjoyed the comments.

Monday, 13 July 2009
Little Miss Sunshine Souffle
Ingredients (6 fragile people)
- 9 step self-improvement program designing father, destined to fail
- 1 heroin addicted grandfather banished from Sunset Manor for Seniors
- 1 mom who's trying to keep it all together while family goes bankrupt
- 7 year old, four-eyed Olive that participates in LMS Pageants
- 1 Nietzsche reading, jet pilot wannabe teen, lightly seasoned with a vow of silence
- 1 suicidal, gay uncle with a dash of Proust
- 2 porno mags
- 1 fag rag
- 6 heaping cups of love
- Pre-heat oven to 350° butter and flour a broken-down, yellow, VW van, preferably with a damaged horn.
- Prepare your basic roux (allow dad to have a complete meltdown in the dining room, add mom and Olive—whisking constantly—until it just begins to turn into a big yelling match about going to a pageant.)
- Heat suicidal, gay brother until hot, but not boiling. Add a small amount of heroin snorting grandpa into the mix, then add silent son. Surprise! You now have the basic foundation for a dysfunctional family meltdown in a Little Miss Sunshine Souffle.
- Add intense heat to each person. Whisk a small amount of porno mags, fag rag, and weird motorcycle cop into the mixture of the emotionally fragile family, then add stress of a beauty pageant back into the sauce, continuing to beat the hell out of mixture.
- Warning #1: Once you have mixed in the dead grandpa and the son's freak-out on the side of the road, you must be very careful to keep the overall mixture at a low temperature! Otherwise the family will have either a mottled texture or the consistency of a mysterious plastic petroleum by-product. Once dad drives over sidewalk and through landscaping to get to the pageant, almost on time, increase heat to the highest setting with a bitchy pageant worker and a totally over-sexualized pageant, competing children until warm enough to continue total and complete meltdown.
- Slowly add love, Rick James, and mix until family melts into a creamy, saucy dance. Bake for 1 hour and 41 minutes. Surprise! You now have a basic American family and a delicious Little Miss Sunshine Souffle!
Turn up the volume on this poor copy of the English version
Or watch a higher-quality German version!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Silly Parents, Facebook Is For Kids

Facebook is like high school
I did not like high school
Therefore, I do not like facebook
Amazingly, there are a ton of blogs out there dealing with the good and evil of Facebook and other social networking sites, so, I will try and refrain from beating a dead horse but I need to give it one last good whack!
This was a "rule" that I found on some site, I don't even remember where now but I do remember that it was Rule #34 - Don’t friend your child’s friends. Friending your child’s friends is like intentionally calling them on the phone just to chat.
I concur.
dead horse,
formal logic,
silly parents
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Facebook: Now It's Official!
Facebook has made the list in this awesome book as #106 on the list of Stuff White People Like. If you're like me and you hesitate to buy the book and your library sucks enough that they don't have it, don't fret, just link here and you can see the top 100 plus a bunch more...nice!
Can you take a look through this list and not find a couple of things you're guilty of liking? Personally, I know that I'm guilty of a bunch, including #91 and #124, I so agree on those!!

Monday, 29 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
In the Books
We visited San Francisco back in January and I've finally completed and ordered our photo book with over 290 photos marking each step and turn of our little adventures. I love going through the photos and think that some of them are fantastic. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, especially if you've been to this beautiful city...you may recognize a few places.
Monday, 15 June 2009
The Low-Down on the Pat-Down
I will continue to search for all things anti-facebook. They are hilarious and point out the pointlessness of this mind-numbing but socially acceptable "anti-social" behavior.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Oh Crap!

This may not come as a surprise for some of you, but I'm having issues, more specifically, with Facebook. Jeez, everybody and their grandma have a Facebook and that's my issue...everybody as in, "anybody". Both of our boys have it and I felt fairly comfortable in knowing that they were connected to friends I know and family members...but there's the rub.
Some of our friends and family members are adults and have their own group of friends and as a result, my boys can see some of the crap that other adults write. The whole thing where you have adults and kids socializing in a realm where people let down their guard and better judgment just really CREEPS ME OUT!
I'm cringing right now as I type this. So, I've given my youngest son a heads up that I am getting to a point that I'm becoming very uncomfortable with Facebook and that it might go bye-bye. What happened to the good old days when you could just email a specific person or group of friends and send a message? Now, you just randomly mention what you're doing and hope that someone comments? It's kind of like fishing (trolling) and you are never quite sure who you're connecting with even though it's someone you know.
So, I am going to be looking into this further and doing a little more research. For now I found this hilariously inventive website on which some kids who are a little fed up with their parents, family members, and adult non-friends interaction on Facebook called, Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook. This is chock full of reasons why I would not want to Facebook.

Another site that has more serious and specific thoughts

for parents who are concerned about the safety of Facebook and their children is, Facebook for Parents.
I, at this point, am not totally on-board with this website yet because one of the things he recommends for parents wanting to understand Facebook better, is to get an account. I don't think so...for now.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Exercise For Your Brain

Monday, 4 May 2009
Okay, I just came across the most awesome program online called PhotoPeach. Load your photos - easy, pick a song - easy, email your slideshow - easy!! It has now taken the place of Photobucket easily. I absolutely adore the music that is so easily placed along with the slideshow. It also will be a wonderful tool for kids to use in writing stories, reports, whatever! It is totally awesome and I don't revert back easily to this type of 80's speak but I totally have to for this, for sure!
After the Storm on PhotoPeach
Avalon Ponies on PhotoPeach
After the Storm on PhotoPeach
Avalon Ponies on PhotoPeach
You're Only As Old As You Feel!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Don't Tell Me I Can't...
There are people in this world who are simply amazing. I do not happen to be one of them and so I am very impressed when I come across them. With my older son playing on the high school golf team this year, we have spent A LOT of time up at the golf course and there is one person that everyone knows because he is up there a lot as well. What makes this gentleman special in the area of golf is that he is working with a true disadvantage in this traditionally two-armed sport. Yep, the guy's got one arm. He adjusts and is actually a really good golfer. What a blessing to find something that you enjoy and not allowing your physical limitations stop you from participating in life. This is a lesson I will take with me and try to apply to my life more often.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
The Message Is Clear
The media today is non-stop, in your face, and often times we don't even notice it...or do we? The power of subliminal messages is amazing and none of us are immune to it. What makes us think that our kids are? I came across this video and while I've seen an English version as well, I like watching this one in another language, and having the point be just as loud and just as clear. We've got to watch out for our kids!
influence on kids,
Monday, 27 April 2009
OMG Morrissey!

All I can say is that it was a huge shocker. I really don't mind getting older but I really do not enjoy having my memories of being a young 20 something totally shattered by other formerly young 20 somethings! What is happening?! AAUGH! I feel like Charlie Brown right now - I went for the kick - and missed!
For those of you who are Morrissey fans also, here is a video available on YouTube from a Jimmy Kimmel show. Bon Appetit!
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Christmas in May...No Way!
Wow, I'm a pathetic loser! Just kidding but it is pretty pathetic that the pictures from Christmas have not really been looked at since then. I also promised Randy that I would send him the pictures of his awesome tattoos! Here are just a few of those photos...enjoy!
Happy Valentine's Day
This is Where I Walk...
Each morning I rise at the crack of dawn to take my son to driver's ed. I then come back and walk while he's in class. I go to a nearby baseball field surrounded by an old chicken farm. Having just recently received my new camera, I took it with me to record my surroundings. Here are a few of those sights.
baseball field,
chicken farm,
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Before and After
Do you ever look in the mirror and think, "Hey, that's not me!" Maybe you think with horror that you look like your mother or just a freakish version of who you think you are?
Well, I have to admit that on occasion I have some of these thoughts but then I think through that journey called life, and all of the special people in it, and I just have to smile.
Isn't life beautifully wonderful with just enough of reality to make it kind of funny!
I like to think of it as BK and AK (Before Kids and After Kids).
after kids,
before kids,
ogden nash
Saturday, 21 March 2009
It's the End of the World As We Know It...
I thought this was appropriate in light of all that is happening in the world but prepare yourself for a few moments of sensory overload. While I prefer REM's version to W's, it's still a fun video. If that wasn't enough, we have a 15 year old son who's learning how to drive! He's actually doing very well but I never thought I'd be in the passenger seat of a car yelling at the driver to, "Own the road, own it!!"
In light of all these feelings, the video below might sum up your feelings on world affairs even better - warning: Graphic Langauge.
In light of all these feelings, the video below might sum up your feelings on world affairs even better - warning: Graphic Langauge.
driver's ed,
endz of the world,
George W,
Friday, 20 March 2009
This is Where I Grew Up...
Let's give a shout out to all the Westsider's in the house!! On March 20, 2009, on the first day of spring, MSN showcased 12 of the most beautiful places to experience spring. Beautiful Skagit County sans tourists was one of the obvious choices.

The Skagit Valley, Washington state: Springtime makes this verdant valley in northwest Washington explode with color, carpeting the land with hundreds of acres of tulips, daffodils and irises. The area is best known for the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, which runs throughout April and was featured in “1,000 Places to See Before You Die.” Display gardens abound throughout the valley for you to visit, but you can also enjoy the living jewels without getting out of your car: Many of the flower fields lie right next to the road. - MSN Online
I will tell you that some of my fondest memories were of the quickly moving clouds casting shadows on my bedroom walls as the sun would shine through.
Waking up with the sun on May 1 and going into the tulip fields next to our house and picking TONS of tulips to leave on the doorstep for my mom (this was before I was old enough to realize that some may consider this theft...).
Spring was also a time when the cows would inevitably get out of the fence meaning that I would have to run through the fields at night with my dad trying to get them back home.

This was also back in the day when my dad could drive our pick-up truck over to Washington Bulb Co. and get a truckload of tulip and daffodil bulbs - FOR FREE - and feed them to our cows. This would fatten them up quickly and ease the transition from winter hay to summer grass.
Can you even imagine how many thousands of dollars they would sell those bulbs for now! You've got to love the marketing genius behind it all, the crew bosses that made it happen, Leo Roozen (this is a current photo of him but he did not look so nice when he was younger!!) in his white pickup that would strike fear in the hearts of children throughout the land, and the slave labor of young elementary school children willing to pick 200 feet of bulbs for $5.00 a row and go home only to blow a pound of dirt out of their noses. I loved the good old days!
Leo Roozen,
Skagit County,
Washington Bulb Co.,
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
What Did You Do at Work Yesterday?
I have to be careful when I ask my husband how his day at work was because I'm never quite sure what his response will be to this question. That is unless, of course, I get a call or see the article before he gets home. My preference is to have him arrive home on time, change his clothes, and tell me personally what a crappy day it was. It is much preferable to being at work, checking the newspaper online, and seeing the following news update. Welcome to the world of being a K-9 officer's wife...
March 17, 2009 - 10:34 AMby Staff Report
HAMILTON — A Hamilton man was robbed at knifepoint early this morning, suffering superficial injury to his face. The 31-year-old victim was walking on Cumberland Street toward Willies Hi-Lead tavern, 456 Maple St., for a cup of coffee just after midnight, said Chief Criminal Deputy Will Reichardt of the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office. When he was about a block from the tavern, he was “jumped” by two men, one wielding a knife. The two robbers knocked the victim to the ground and took his wallet, Reichardt said.
The two men then ran west laughing as they fled, and the victim walked to Willies and called 911 at 12:15 a.m. today, Reichardt said. The victim, who deputies described as unsteady on his feet, was taken to United General Hospital in Sedro-Woolley where he was treated.
Deputies found the victim’s sweater in the street near the location of the assault, and Deputy Steve Dills with tracking dog Doc followed a path toward California Street, finding the victim’s wallet, Reichardt said.
A “small amount” of cash was missing but his identification remained in the wallet, Reichardt said. The dog was unable to locate the suspects. The victim told deputies that one robber was a roughly 5-foot-10-inch-tall white man in his mid-30s to early 40s. He wore camouflage pants, a sweatshirt and dark-colored beanie-style cap. The second robber was about the same height and age as the first and had dark hair and a “somewhat darker complexion” that the first, deputies said. Deputies ask anyone with information about the incident to call the sheriff’s office at 360-336-9450 or 911.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Women vs. Women?

I recently came across an on-line article that describes the challenge many women face. There seems to be a struggle over doing and being the best at everything; parenting, working, being a good and attentive spouse (yeah, right!), and everything else in between.
For myself, I find that when I mention to people that I work part-time AND homeschool our two boys, I get two responses. The first response is from other homeschooling families with a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the eyebrow and then continues talking because you know that women love to talk. The second response is from public/private school families with or without a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the other eyebrow and then continues talking...
Well, I'm here to say that compared to the hours I put in as a classroom teacher for other people's children, I can unequivicabely tell you that this is a piece of cake in comparison and I love it. There is no guilt attached for what I do for my family.
So, in support of the choices you make for you and your family read the following article with a grain of salt and know that you only find love here for all that you do - go moms!!
Mom vs. Mom
For myself, I find that when I mention to people that I work part-time AND homeschool our two boys, I get two responses. The first response is from other homeschooling families with a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the eyebrow and then continues talking because you know that women love to talk. The second response is from public/private school families with or without a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the other eyebrow and then continues talking...
Well, I'm here to say that compared to the hours I put in as a classroom teacher for other people's children, I can unequivicabely tell you that this is a piece of cake in comparison and I love it. There is no guilt attached for what I do for my family.
So, in support of the choices you make for you and your family read the following article with a grain of salt and know that you only find love here for all that you do - go moms!!
Mom vs. Mom
mom vs. mom,
ny magazine,
stay-at-home moms,
working moms
When I Was a Kid...
Then the other day as I was driving through the main thorough fares of Mt. Vernon I realized that they were widening the streets of our old stomping grounds. The very streets where my husband and I used to cruise, race, and drive to work, would be no longer. In the original sense, anyway. The old street signs will be taken down and replaced with the larger and more visible signs seen in the pictures.

Gone is the old Cinema 5, Tri-Cinema, McDonalds, Winchells, Shakey's, Herfy's, the Emporium, Maurices, and many other oldies but goodies. Instead we have the MV police department, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Big 5, Starbucks, Dollar stores, and other urban blight.
Gone are the cornfields, the old street signs, and the store where I bought my first pair of Star jeans and I guess the girl who fit in those jeans are gone too...but not forgotten!

getting old,
urban blight,
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Radar Love
My husband and I recently returned from a trip to San Francisco. Our hotel was two blocks from Union Square and one block up from China Town. While strolling through the shops we found a Chinese hat with a fake queue down the back. We immediately thought it would be fun to purchase this, pose my husband in the hat, tweak the photo, and then give it to his dad as a joke.
The reason was that his dad always teases him with the idea that he has a half brother from his dad's stint in the Navy and the reference to having gone to Japan. How does a Chinese hat fit the idea of a Japanese half-brother? It doesn't very well, but, we do happen to live in Sedro Woolley, Washington so I think we're covered. Here's the final product. His dad enjoyed the photo so much that he said he was going to hang it on the wall with his Navy pictures... Now that's love.

In keeping with the above title and as an ode to my '87 poop-drop brown Celica, here is a salute to the summer of '90, cruising Riverside Drive/College Way, Golden Earring on cassette, and SpongeBob for my boys.
The reason was that his dad always teases him with the idea that he has a half brother from his dad's stint in the Navy and the reference to having gone to Japan. How does a Chinese hat fit the idea of a Japanese half-brother? It doesn't very well, but, we do happen to live in Sedro Woolley, Washington so I think we're covered. Here's the final product. His dad enjoyed the photo so much that he said he was going to hang it on the wall with his Navy pictures... Now that's love.

In keeping with the above title and as an ode to my '87 poop-drop brown Celica, here is a salute to the summer of '90, cruising Riverside Drive/College Way, Golden Earring on cassette, and SpongeBob for my boys.
cassette tapes,
china town,
chinese queue,
golden earring,
Friday, 20 February 2009
Thursday, 19 February 2009
My Top Ten Films
1. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
2. Slumdog Millionare
3. The Matrix
4. The Big Blue
5. American Werewolf in London
6. Highlander
7. Transporter
8. Napoleon Dynamite
9. Dumb and Dumber
10. Scarface
(1) The Passion of Joan of Arc is absolutely amazing. I came across it one morning (I'm talking 4am) when I couldn't sleep and it was on some random channel. They opened the film by explaining that it had been salvaged and later "rediscovered" in storage after surviving a fire. As a result there are portions of it missing but despite this it is truly a powerful and amazing film.
(2) The Slumdog Millionare has been getting a lot of buzz and I hate that. I like to feel ownership of movies and when everyone's raving then it just can't be my discovery. I saw the previews awhile ago and thought that it looked like a good movie, it started getting a lot of attention, as a result I didn't want to see it so much, and only because there was not really anything else playing at the time I decided what the heck. So, I saw it and loved it. I loved the main character, his relationship with his brother, his enduring love for a young girl into adulthood, and above all else, his honesty. I found similarities between it and The Kite Runner movie. I should say that I really loved the book, The Kite Runner but thought the movie was okay. I think of that movie in discussing this one because I loved the relationships in the story and how strong they are from an early time in their life into adulthood. I also loved this movie because I know exactly where in the movie I almost cried, exactly the point where I did cry, and that I was happy in the end. That is the formula for a perfect movie.
(3) The Matrix is one of the psuedo-intellectual films that some people can really over-intellectualize. I'm sure there are philosophy classes centered around the Matrix on college campuses throughout the US. However, I just loved the style found throughout the film. Having had short hair when I first saw this movie I totally identified with the strong and beautiful female character that falls in love with Nemo ;) It had fantastic special effects and was a great story - our reality is an illusion while our illusions are our reality - how cool is that?
(4) This is one of my absolute favorite films based on location. The Greek Islands are gorgeous, the main character is gorgeous, and Enzo is adorable. Despite the fact that Rosanna Arquette was annoying and a terrible actress I loved this movie for it's cineamotography and it's soundtrack. It's also about a misunderstood character who just doesn't quite fit into the world around him but who is able to find his place in the universe in the end.
(5) American Werewolf in London is the very first movie I went to as a teenager, lied about what movie I was going to, and got away with it! The movie is a comedy/horror film with great special effects for the time (1981). It was showing up at the Tri-Cinema and I remember feeling like a terrible liar when I told my dad all about the movie I didn't see. If you haven't seen this film I would encourage you to give it a try. The humor only accentuates the fact that it's a great horror film.
(6) Highlander is a movie I saw at the Lincoln Theater in Mt. Vernon. Christopher Lambert starred in this strange movie the same year I graduated from high school. I think I enjoyed this one so much because I went to see it without a clue what it was about and was totally impressed with a great story. You don't meet a 16th century immortal living in present day New York everyday.
(7) One of my all time guilty pleasures are the Transporter movies with the first one being the best. A great looking guy, driving a great looking car, going incredibly fast, doing incredibly impossible stunts - LOVE IT! Give me a smart-aleck, non-conforming, brutally honest, and butt kicking main character who fights injustice and I will give you my heart!
(8) Napoleon gets one of the top ten spots because it totally caught me by surprise. The boys and I sat down to watch this movie during Christmas break in 2004. We had no clue what it was about and I think we rewound the beginning bus scene like three times because we couldn't believe we were seeing what we were seeing. Was this guy for real? We laughed so hard...
(9) This movie is so dumb and that is the beauty of it's appeal. I actually could not stand this movie the first time I saw it. But I have two boys who loved it and they watched it over and over and after about the 17th time I finally started to enjoy it with them. It is one that we can now watch over and over and laugh as much as we did the first time or in my case the 17th time.
(10) Scarface with Al Pacino when he was in his prime is hard to beat.
Honorable Mentions
Repo Man
Breakfast Club
The Snowman
Hamlet (Mel Gibson)
The Punisher
Space Jam :)
This is Spinal Tap (only because I thought it was a real documentary when I first saw it)
Fast and the Furious
The Virgin Springs
Bottle Rocket
To Live and Die in LA (great soundtrack)
The Usual Suspects
All Jane Austen movies including The Jane Austen Book Club
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