It's all one big frickin' fun-fest when you work in groups, right? Wrong and it was all my own damn fault. It was my hand that went up when no one else would volunteer during a staff meeting to join the two "golds" on the newly formed display committee, it was my voice that chirped, "I will", and then it was my dumbass that suggested "we" create a PowerPoint for the next meeting in order to present our recommendations and move forward in our merchandising of the library. The ultimate goal being the eventual attempt to go "Dewey-free". Think in terms of a bookstore. Great! An opportunity for all of us to have input on a final product that won't be a total dudster to sit in on and listen to at our next meeting because honestly, this crap is boring...!
So, we met and discussed our game plan. Good first step, check. We decided who would be responsible for what duties, check. We then came back together and discussed our progress, met with our boss and gave her the rundown, and then planned our presentation, check. Screech...back up! Remember the part where we discussed our various duties? Well, that consisted of us all agreeing to have input in the PowerPoint and the meeting presentation.
Long story short, I kept asking them for input and one would just say, "Oh, I trust you." and the other one would give me a print out of guidelines that she wants us to put in a handbook. This isn't rocket science people! We don't need a handbook to know how to put books on easels based on their spine label sticker. Can I jump off a cliff? Like now?! We need to figure out how we're going to make our recommendations to the group sound like they are their ideas and everyone's going to be excited about change and a bit more work.
I kept hoping that they'd step up and actually provide some input but I finally caught a clue and realized that it was on me to complete this task. I kept leaving blank slides and telling them to make changes and additions to it. No, it was all good, they said. So, when we got together to go over the final plans for our presentation, I asked who would like to present...yeah, they said "I could". One lady with the really nice printing did volunteer to write down audience ideas. The other one didn't even show up for the meeting. Man, I hate groupwork.
This is what groupwork is supposed to look like but that's not real life, is it?
So, in honor of others who've experienced this same BS, this is for you! This video is hilarious. I love her impersonation. Spot on!!