Monday, 13 December 2010

So Not Right

When I saw this photo online I couldn't believe a parent would actually put their child in something like this AND then take a picture - forever!
If you would, then you can buy your boob man shirt here. The other really nasty thing about this photo is that this kid's got teeth!! Maybe he's got a "soft" mouth like a good hunting dog, I don't know but it's wrong on a couple of different levels.

Update: It's Not Just Me!

I've discovered, by chance, that I am not the only one out there who struggles with my lackadaisical attitude towards housework!! There is actually a book, a tome, if you will, addressing the very concerns expressed in an earlier post bemoaning any time spent on housework and whether it's a worthwhile activity for any sane person, expecially a mom!

Well, worry no longer. Mary Randolph Carter has put all of these concerns into the wonderful book, Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of A Misspent Life: How to live creatively with collections, clutter, work, kids, pets, art, etc... and stop worrying about everything being perfectly in its place. Wow, what a title. Maybe I should start going by my maiden name as a middle sounds kinda cluttery...I think I like the sounds of that!