Sunday, 4 December 2011

Get Your OWS Snuggies Here!

In an effort to be fair and impartial (right!), I thought I would balance my opinions expressed and supported in my previous post by sharing with all of our OWS supporters out there, some fantastic fashion ideas. Look good and protest too. Wow, what a mantra but there it is. So, if you are preparing to go out as a radical this holiday season, look no further for the perfect designs in protester fashions this holiday season. The following instructions come to you from a great website called Instructables, where you "share what you make".
"Between raids and rain, many occupiers are struggling with improvised winterization. Why cover yourself in a garbage bag when you could model an eye-catching Radical Snuggie made with tear-resistant, fashionable shower curtains? Make your occupation comfy. Stay (quite) warm and (kinda) dry in a Radical Snuggie. Special design features include: * Elastic drawstring transforms your Radical Snuggie into a warm, dry sleeping sac at night * * Or, simply sleep standing up in a mobile cocoon, avoiding those pesky new “park rules” * Layer-look adds heft for burning off extra Occu-Pie and PBJ calories as you hoist this monster Snuggie about * Plus, Velcro signage lets you rest your weary arms on marches * * Built-in scarf turns your witty political statement into a jaunty fashion statement *"

* More Special Add-Ons make your Radical Snuggie imminently customizable to withstand the authority assault weapons of choice in your locale *

Still want more? Try on our Radical Snuggie Add-Ons, a sampler of extra features for turning your Radical Snuggie into a Swiss army knife of resistance!

Here are instructions for the "Gas Mask Hoodie"!
 Or the insulated milk pocket for snacks or handy pepper spray relief.