History was written on Friday, November 20, 2009, when 20, 30, and 40 something women everywhere sighed a collective moan. The room was dark, sitting elbow to elbow, each anxiously anticipating the moment. Then the moment came. In wicked fast motion that seemed to make time stop, Jacob did it. He took off his shirt. He took off his shirt to care for Bella's bleeding forehead. With no thought of himself, he shed his t-shirt with only the intention of caring for her and in doing so he caused (most) women everywhere, regardless of age, to swoon.
I will deny a similar reaction on my part until the day I die. I was simply an observer at that point and took notice. There is something sorta creepy about the whole thing. Yes, Jacob is gorgeous and is an example of perfection in the male species but when you have a son that is the same age of that character... yeah, gross.