Well, it's officially here, 20,009. Yes, you're reading it correctly, 20,009. At least that's what the woman newscaster on the radio announced from Time's Square tonight . She announced to the world that we are ushering in 20-10 as 20,009 exits through the back door. Really? Hmmm, I'm beginning to wonder if these types of misspeaks are becoming more acceptable and that perhaps proper english, utilizing spell check, and punctuation are indicators of old age and if so, then that is me.
I've been told by my husband that I should try not to draw attention to myself when making comments on blogs, on-line newspaper stories, and Facebook by simply not using the above indicators. Suggested techniques would be randomly caPitalizIng letters, uzing incorect spelingz, and throwing in the occasional abbreviations for frequently used phrases. Yeah, right, LOL! So, I will make my one and only New Year's Resolution for the new year 20,009 right here and now. I resolve to embrace my oldness through the rogue and rather old-fashioned use of correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Although, I reserve the right to occasionally utilize acronyms when I'm busy ROFL. Happy New Year!