When the mega-church, Crystal Cathedral, was originally built in 1980, few would imagine that one day the Catholic Church would own the ostentatious 40 acre complex, complete with over 10,000 glass panes. And all for the low, low price of $57.5 million dollars...Merry Early Christmas Catholic neighbors!

In order to avoid belaboring the hypocrisy in not only this purchase, but most organized religions, I thought we could take a moment to reflect on our own spending this holiday season. So, as we eagerly look forward to perusing our way through the Black Friday ads next week, with the selfless act of helping our economy get back on track by purchasing the biggest and cheapest electronics ever made, and probably not even in the USA, let's take a moment, a deep breath, and consider the true meaning of Christmas. For your convenience, I've listed some films that might assist you in this activity. First a film that I've not seen, but have at the top of my "to-do" list, along with two of my all-time favorite Christmas films. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!