Here's the problem. I periodically check our checking account balance on-line. It is not with the intent to snoop but merely to verify that things are as they should. They usually are with the exception of the occasional really expensive meal. You see, my husband will go out to dinner while working (he's in law enforcement) and it's not to Dunkin' Donuts.
This week it was to the Mexico Cafe. Okay, fine, he's a big boy and he earns enough to do that on occasion. My problem is when I see the total for $21.45? For one person? Here's where I'm mistaken. It is not for one person, it's for two. The situation is that when these guys go out to eat, one of them will offer to pick up the tab. It quickly becomes a game of tag because then the next time they go out to eat, the other guy will offer to pay.
Here's my problem, why do they do this? They carry their ID with them at all times and I'm gosh darn sure they are carrying their debit card or some cash. This must be a guy thing because anytime I've been anywhere with other women, we make sure BEFORE the meal that the server knows exactly who has what.
It just must be one of those "guy" things.