Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Silly Parents, Facebook Is For Kids

Okay, I think by now it's pretty clear that I'm not a big fan of Facebook. It just seems so, so, white, middle-class, and for lack of a better word, high school. So one can make the formal and logical leap that the following is my official stance on Facebook and...high school:

Facebook is like high school
I did not like high school
Therefore, I do not like facebook

Amazingly, there are a ton of blogs out there dealing with the good and evil of Facebook and other social networking sites, so, I will try and refrain from beating a dead horse but I need to give it one last good whack!

This was a "rule" that I found on some site, I don't even remember where now but I do remember that it was Rule #34 - Don’t friend your child’s friends. Friending your child’s friends is like intentionally calling them on the phone just to chat.

I concur.