Monday, 9 March 2009

Women vs. Women?

I recently came across an on-line article that describes the challenge many women face. There seems to be a struggle over doing and being the best at everything; parenting, working, being a good and attentive spouse (yeah, right!), and everything else in between.

For myself, I find that when I mention to people that I work part-time AND homeschool our two boys, I get two responses. The first response is from other homeschooling families with a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the eyebrow and then continues talking because you know that women love to talk. The second response is from public/private school families with or without a stay-at-home mom who pauses briefly with a questioning raise of the other eyebrow and then continues talking...

Well, I'm here to say that compared to the hours I put in as a classroom teacher for other people's children, I can unequivicabely tell you that this is a piece of cake in comparison and I love it. There is no guilt attached for what I do for my family.

So, in support of the choices you make for you and your family read the following article with a grain of salt and know that you only find love here for all that you do - go moms!!

Mom vs. Mom

When I Was a Kid...

When I was a kid I remember corn fields by the river where we crossed over from Mt. Vernon to Burlington. Then in their place they built the dueling malls - the Mt. Vernon Mall and the Skagit Valley Mall.

Then the other day as I was driving through the main thorough fares of Mt. Vernon I realized that they were widening the streets of our old stomping grounds. The very streets where my husband and I used to cruise, race, and drive to work, would be no longer. In the original sense, anyway. The old street signs will be taken down and replaced with the larger and more visible signs seen in the pictures.

Gone is the old Cinema 5, Tri-Cinema, McDonalds, Winchells, Shakey's, Herfy's, the Emporium, Maurices, and many other oldies but goodies. Instead we have the MV police department, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Big 5, Starbucks, Dollar stores, and other urban blight. 

Gone are the cornfields, the old street signs, and the store where I bought my first pair of Star jeans and I guess the girl who fit in those jeans are gone too...but not forgotten!