This may not come as a surprise for some of you, but I'm having issues, more specifically, with Facebook. Jeez, everybody and their grandma have a Facebook and that's my issue...everybody as in, "anybody". Both of our boys have it and I felt fairly comfortable in knowing that they were connected to friends I know and family members...but there's the rub.
Some of our friends and family members are adults and have their own group of friends and as a result, my boys can see some of the crap that other adults write. The whole thing where you have adults and kids socializing in a realm where people let down their guard and better judgment just really CREEPS ME OUT!
I'm cringing right now as I type this. So, I've given my youngest son a heads up that I am getting to a point that I'm becoming very uncomfortable with Facebook and that it might go bye-bye. What happened to the good old days when you could just email a specific person or group of friends and send a message? Now, you just randomly mention what you're doing and hope that someone comments? It's kind of like fishing (trolling) and you are never quite sure who you're connecting with even though it's someone you know.
So, I am going to be looking into this further and doing a little more research. For now I found this hilariously inventive website on which some kids who are a little fed up with their parents, family members, and adult non-friends interaction on Facebook called, Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook. This is chock full of reasons why I would not want to Facebook.

Another site that has more serious and specific thoughts

for parents who are concerned about the safety of Facebook and their children is, Facebook for Parents.
I, at this point, am not totally on-board with this website yet because one of the things he recommends for parents wanting to understand Facebook better, is to get an account. I don't think so...for now.