Without a doubt, my life has turned a corner. On this day, my oldest child got his driver's license, discussed dating, and turned 16 years old all on the same day. It was only after this had all taken place that I think that the message got through my thick skull. My biological purpose is almost complete and it's in this realization that I've come to understand that my life to a certain degree has become that of a spectator. I am now completely secondary to what is happening around me. It is no longer 'I got my driver's license', 'I got married', or 'I gave birth to a child'. It is now, 'My son got his driver's license', 'My son is in high school', or 'My son has a crush'.
So, I guess as I enter this new stage in my life I will have two choices. Either I can do it gracefully or I can do it kicking and screaming. I've never really been very graceful...