Monday, 4 May 2009


Okay, I just came across the most awesome program online called PhotoPeach. Load your photos - easy, pick a song - easy, email your slideshow - easy!! It has now taken the place of Photobucket easily. I absolutely adore the music that is so easily placed along with the slideshow. It also will be a wonderful tool for kids to use in writing stories, reports, whatever! It is totally awesome and I don't revert back easily to this type of 80's speak but I totally have to for this, for sure!

After the Storm on PhotoPeach

Avalon Ponies on PhotoPeach

You're Only As Old As You Feel!

With my husband having just celebrated his 37th birthday, I thought I'd do so in a more public way and post his picture for the world to see...awwww...isn't he adorable? Happy Birthday Steve!!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Don't Tell Me I Can't...

There are people in this world who are simply amazing. I do not happen to be one of them and so I am very impressed when I come across them. With my older son playing on the high school golf team this year, we have spent A LOT of time up at the golf course and there is one person that everyone knows because he is up there a lot as well. What makes this gentleman special in the area of golf is that he is working with a true disadvantage in this traditionally two-armed sport. Yep, the guy's got one arm. He adjusts and is actually a really good golfer. What a blessing to find something that you enjoy and not allowing your physical limitations stop you from participating in life. This is a lesson I will take with me and try to apply to my life more often.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

The Message Is Clear

The media today is non-stop, in your face, and often times we don't even notice it...or do we? The power of subliminal messages is amazing and none of us are immune to it. What makes us think that our kids are? I came across this video and while I've seen an English version as well, I like watching this one in another language, and having the point be just as loud and just as clear. We've got to watch out for our kids!