"Between raids and rain, many occupiers are struggling with improvised winterization. Why cover yourself in a garbage bag when you could model an eye-catching Radical Snuggie made with tear-resistant, fashionable shower curtains? Make your occupation comfy. Stay (quite) warm and (kinda) dry in a Radical Snuggie. Special design features include: * Elastic drawstring transforms your Radical Snuggie into a warm, dry sleeping sac at night * * Or, simply sleep standing up in a mobile cocoon, avoiding those pesky new “park rules” * Layer-look adds heft for burning off extra Occu-Pie and PBJ calories as you hoist this monster Snuggie about * Plus, Velcro signage lets you rest your weary arms on marches * * Built-in scarf turns your witty political statement into a jaunty fashion statement *"
* More Special Add-Ons make your Radical Snuggie imminently customizable to withstand the authority assault weapons of choice in your locale *
Still want more? Try on our Radical Snuggie Add-Ons, a sampler of extra features for turning your Radical Snuggie into a Swiss army knife of resistance!
Here are instructions for the "Gas Mask Hoodie"!
Or the insulated milk pocket for snacks or handy pepper spray relief.
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